I tried.. really I did. After attending one of the best parties ever yesterday, I am tired, in pain and sorely need down time to regroup for the work week ahead.
The best I managed was a lazy morning, reading in bed until 10. And then I started to feel guilty about all tasks on my to do list- which were dancing merrily in a can-can line through my head. There's only one way to stop it- get up and tackle the list.
On the list: finish restocking supplies, organize the walk in pantry, start the tidying up for the cleaning service, go through fabric, repair a pendulum and oh yes, take some down time.
My resolve was good. I took care of the pantry. Then I went down for the mail and all my to-do motivation was shot to hell. In my box were some reordered pendulum supplies, our long awaited Fantoid decks FINALLY, and the worst temptation of all... a brand new tarot deck ordered from Europe. And I can't open it until our April Tarot class. Yes, the suspense is going to be unbearable. I don't think I can even open the envelope because then it will be all to easy to open that deck.
Which leads me to my question of the day... when did we stop honoring our Day of Rest?