Friday, October 28, 2011


This one is a rant.    Last weekend, my hatred of cell and smartphones was 100% confirmed, justified and I will avoid buying one. My car and I nearly became hood ornaments for a Mercedes SUV.  I find myself angry- and that is building on frustration from an earlier encounter.

But I digress.   Woman in SUV, with a baby in the car was too busy yakking on her phone and backing up full speed out of a parking spot to bother looking behind her.  She was so engrossed, she failed to hear my horn blasting to get her attention.  There was no other place for me to go, given other drivers were pulling out of spaces as well.  Finally, she wakes up,  slams on her brakes missing T-boning  my driver side by 2 inches.  And proceeded to get in my face, telling me it was my fault she nearly hit my car.

I offered to call the police and she settled down. Maybe had something to do with the fact she had least 2 drinks with lunch?  No apology.  What the hell is wrong with people?  To drive intoxicated, distracted and put your child, yourself and others at risk?  Very scary.

How I miss the days before those damned phones became a focus of our lives.  Only a few weeks before, I took a day off to spend with a friend- who proceeded to spend the greater part of the day texting on her Droid.  It drives me crazy when I am at dinner with people and they are more involved with the !@#$ing phone than with me.   Ok- I get that your business requires it- but I consider it extraordinarily rude.  Check before we sit down- or once an hour if you must, but if someone takes time off to spend with you, put the bloody phone away.

Worse are the distracted drivers.  NO phone call, text message or email is more important than focusing on what's happening around you in a moving vehicle.  If you are driving, I beg you to put the phone down.  Hands free too- people get involved in the conversation and end up too distracted.

As for the woman who almost killed me last weekend- I forgive you.  Now please for  your sake, your child's and everyone else out on the road around you, stop using the phone while you're driving and call for a safe ride home.