I can't believe I've started to blog. I'm a reluctant joiner from a long and noble line of reluctant joiners. Must confess, I've been sipping the punch for a while, by visiting a couple of blogs created by friends. Over the years, I have kept journals, but not as a regular habit. so much easier to type. Handwriting? BAH!
I love words. I especially love words strung together that make me think, cry, laugh and above all, challenge me to change my perspective. The greatest irony in my life- I work in a numbers oriented field. Numbers are not my friends. On get your left brain day, I did what any intelligent right brain person would do- slept late.
So, my day job sucks my life, soul and brain out with a bendy straw- but my love and real work in the world is my fledging cosmic muffin business- TreeSpirit Treasures. No website yet- but I've been playing with designing tarot bags, boxes, greeting cards and other assorted necessities for those who enjoy exploring the spiritual realm of the universe. I also study tarot, runes and pretty much anything that catches my eye. Should that include shiny, pointy, sparkly objects- ie: jewelry, beads, swords or shopping, well, I'm a blissful girl. My dream is that TreeSpirit becomes my full time job- in a snug little cottage with dedicated workroom/studio space.
No kids- but I do have a housedragon. Cordelia is a purple, green and silver snark filled monstrosity. She has enough ego for 100 humans and at least 10 dragons. I"m sure she'll be making her presence known. For now, all you need to know is that she is the Empress of The Universe, All Known and All Unknown Realms. Her "job" is to guard my home and keep the unfriendlies out. She does a good job. Must say, Cordie was one of the best and most creative housewarming gifts I've ever received. She's also hell to raise. Forget parenthood- you want a challenge? Try a housedragon.
More ranting later-
1 comment:
Welcome to the Blogosphere, Rachel! Be warned: it can be addictive! [g]
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