Bad Rachel!
Yes, I know- enter the realm of blog and you should make an effort to post on a regular basis. Lately, my inner blob seems to be running the show. Short attention span, spring fever, utter boredom. No motivation. The house is a mess, I still don't have steady employment. Last week, I had a major job interview, Sacred Circle, endless hours of alphabetizing files on a temp assignment and a major weekend. Two day artist and spiritual worker's event. I'm tired- all of this takes lots of energy. Moving takes energy. Thinking about moving takes energy... lately, my thought ranges to... hmmm, couch, library book.. hmmm... let's be a blob today.
I look around my house and cringe. My outer packrat is winning the war over my inner neatfreak. There are bits of projects EVERYWHERE. Stamps and scrapbook supplies overtaking the kitchen table. Thousands of beads in little cups overtaking the coffee table, laundry is slowly winning the bedroom territory. And, while most people have dustbunnies under the bed, mine have morphed into full grown, yapping standard sized dustpoodles. I might add that they grow vicious when attacked with a vacuum cleaner.
Irony- I love a clean, organized tranquil home. I have ADD- routine, order and organization are what allows me to function in the world. Truth- I loathe cleaning, organizing and always having to finish one project, clean it up and put it away as soon as it is complete. A gift of ADD is creativity sparks all the time- the flip side of the coin is you almost have to act on it immediately or it is gone forever. writing down only helps if you can find the bloody notebook to do so.
So was life last week- maybe tonight, I'll actually put sheets back on the bed. I stripped it 2 weeks ago.
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