Friday, July 18, 2008

Adventures in Babysitting

All this week, I've been at my friends' condo puppysitting for Jack- aka Fuzzerbugger. It's been a long time since I last had a full time dog. I'm kind of rusty, but the routine comes back easily. Apparently, like riding a bike, you never forget.

And, he's very easy and fun. Loves to play and drag you through the park on walkies. Who knew that a 30 pound cockapoo is really a husky or malamute in disguise? The best though have been the amazing snuggle sessions. Heaven really is having a dog on the foot of your bed at night- except Jack's version is to sneak up until his head is next to yours on the pillow. I finally gave up on trying to get him to stay at the foot. As long as he leaves my teddy bear alone we're ok. this morning, i woke up with a head on my stomach and a paw over my hand. guess he's feeling nice and secure.

Yesterday, I took him to the real dog park, near my home. It was a place where the original godpuppy and I spent many happy hours walking shaded and peaceful trails. He loved it. And I wished I could let him off leash to play with the other dogs, but he is a Houndini and will escape if given a chance. He loved it- tons of new smells, lots of trees to claim and it was a nice place to be given the heat here this week. Jack jumped up on Muji's rock and barked his triumph to the world. He looked so proud of himself.

Of course, it isn't a godmommy visit without a trip to puppy toys 'r us. As if Jack didn't have enough toys already- he really did need a few more. His favorite new baby is a plush fish. He's been carrying it around with him everywhere. At one point Fishy was on my face and very soggy. Jack is smart- if you tell him to bring a specific toy he will. At least 2 hours a day are spent tossing toys up or down the steps. when i get tired doing it, he does it for himself.

I've had fun with him- and I'll certainly miss the boy when it is time for me to turn him back over to his mom and dad. at the same time, we stopped at home for a little while, and i found myself longing for my little hovel. there is always that awareness that you aren't in your own space. i miss the familiar noises, dustbunnies and being in my own clutter.

Time to walk the doggie!

Jack says woof to everyone out there.

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