Sunday, July 6, 2008

An AHA! Moment

It has been a week of indulging in a full out blue funk. To hell with it- i needed it- and I'm not done yet. I try hard not to drag everyone else into it. I just go into my little bear cave and hibernate. Dad started this round. I love the dude, but we just don't get each other.

Conversations with dad go something like this.. hi dad, i'm tired, no, no job yet, still looking.. and 3 minutes later, we have the conversation again- and again. My patience level is shot.

Some of this funk is stemming from lymes treatment. Lots of it came from the disaster of my actual birthday. Even more is the uncertainty of not knowing where next month's expenses are going to come from in time. Rockbottom is never a good place to be- especially if you're not sure how to keep pushing the rock back up the hill.

Over the weekend, my friends kidnapped me and we celebrated my birthday. It was the one thing that got me out of the house last week. How wonderful to be with people who know you, love you and understand that sometimes, you just can't fake and grit your teeth, politely lie or pretend to be in a good mood or feeling well. And somewhere that night, the funk lifted. A simple, low key evening- and absolutely perfect for me. Homecooked dinner, the fuzzerbugger racing around with his toys, playing taboo for the first time. I wish I could have been there for my actual birthday, rather than at a fancy country club with a room full of strangers.

One of my gifts was a little magnet that reads, "friends are the family you choose for yourself" and how true it is. The more my blood family irritates me, the more I appreciate my friends.

So, there is my AHA! moment- and I bottle the laughter from our evening of playing Taboo and watching Jack race around the condo like a hyperactive energizer bunny. Uncork and enjoy as needed.

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