Saturday, May 31, 2008

Patience may be a virtue, but.....

Maybe it is an overrated one. Patience escapes me. I've been waiting to hear feedback on a flurry of job interviews this week, waiting for test results to see if the lymes levels dropped in my system, very eagerly awaiting a delivery of new rubber stamps from my favorite source and most of all, waiting to hear what I'm supposed to do next with my life.

Early this morning, I had the thought of pulling out a tarot deck and reading for myself. It's been quite some time. Generally, if I'm in full out ADD mode I can't even shuffle a deck. It takes focus to read. I don't use tarot cards in my bedroom- opens too many channels for thought and that keeps me from resting at night.

Also had a thought to do some cleaning, but I got over it quickly. Right now, I'm watching from the bedroom window to pounce as soon as the mail hits the box. If the stamps arrive today, I can finish my project. That would be a wonderful feeling- and once the project is done, I'll feel like getting organized.

The tempo of my days lately seems to be presto and adagio- hurry up and wait. Not my favorite song, but for now, I have to learn how to stay with the orchestra.

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