Sunday, August 30, 2009

Life in Present Tense

I forced myself to ignore the temptation to do nothing this morning. Set the egg timer for 15 minutes and actually got some of the household chores accomplished. No mean feat- lately, I've been back in blobhood. Too many decision, too much stress and entirely too many changes all at once- but then again, this is life.

Dad called me a few minutes ago half checking in, half guilt trip as I've not had the physical or emotional energy by the end of the day pick up the phone and engage in a conversation. Actually, there was a nice sense of constancy in having the same discussion yet again- kind of like the familiar comfort of going back to whatever your childhood holiday celebration rituals entail and just knowing how to do it right.

Dad lives purely in the present tense. And, who can blame him? He has an amazing present to enjoy. Lots of friends, the best of all possible companions and plans- always, plans. There's a valuable lesson there- he's truly found himself in his 7th decade.

It's time to go make a plan for today.

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