Sunday, July 13, 2008

Summer Progress Commences

Greeting Minions,

Summer Progress through the shires and villages of the realm began yesterday. Lord Barney and I left the miscreant in the dungeon and enjoyed the sights, smells and sounds of our visit to Penniforth.

My knights and squires are seriously lacking. The joust was pitiful and the loser was scarce worth the effort of marination and spit roasting over the bonfire. And, the human chess match.. Great Goddess, these lumps of humanity need assistance.

We were joined by an acquantaince of the human and two tasty morsels. Alas, the human slipped calm draught into my mead, so I was unable to partake of the delicacies. It might be worth faking "good behavior and social skills" to avoid being drugged. Bah! I am a dragon- I SHALL BE SNARKY! Besides, I am ruler of all known realms and universes, what I say shall be.

There were excellent artisans- at least there, my subjects are up to standard. I came home with moldavite and a lovely wooden rune box. Rook is in high favor in the court- her woodburned boxes are suitable for royal dragons.

Alas, court matters prevail- live as Empress is never quiet.

Until we journey again,


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