Thursday, November 27, 2008


Thanksgiving 2008. It is a chilly, but sunny day here in Connecticut. I've been to the cemetary to visit Mom's grave- and can't help but feel a bit bittersweet and sad today. Thanksgiving was always Mom's holiday to do- and not walking into her kitchen still feels wrong to me, even now, nearly 5 years later.

Shortly, I will drive to dad and shirely's place and we'll go for dinner. It won't be the same as sitting around Mom's candlit table, surrounded by the plates, smells and comforts of the traditions I've known since childhood, but it will still be good.

I am thankful- for Shirley's presence in my dad's life. For the great gift of the friends who surround me with love and support daily. For what level of health I do have available to me- and for not being further incapacitated from Lymes disease. For living in a country where we can speak up and cause change to happen.

Life is hard, but it is also good- we just need to take the time to look beneath the surface.

Bright Blessings, Peace and Love to all

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